Are You Making The Most Of Your Time?

Nov 7, 2019

When you first started your business, you were most likely neck-deep in it, multi-tasking, wearing all the hats, and taking care of every last detail.

We are willing to bet you had a questionable work/life balance and very little time for anything else!

However, as a business begins to take root, it needs to grow. This means you are going to have to take a few steps back and be the gardener, not the plant.

If this concept seems unachievable to you because you are just too busy, it’s time to look at how you are spending the valuable minutes of your day. It may be time to bring in some help by hiring either an employee or a virtual assistant.

Is it time to outsource? And which is the best option for your business? Read on for some valuable insight on making the most of your time.

When Should I Outsource?

You Are Overwhelmed

It doesn’t matter if you are a one-person operation or a larger team. If you are stretched beyond capacity, working insane hours, and never getting through your to-do list, it’s definitely time to make some changes.

If you have already streamlined your processes and done an efficiency audit with no relief, then it’s clear you need an extra pair of hands to take the load off.

You Lack Certain Skills

Not everyone is good at everything. There will be a time in your business that a specific skillset is required for a task that nobody is sufficiently trained to do. Whether it’s bookkeeping, social media management, or IT, hiring someone qualified and experienced will help propel your business forward.

You Are Not Moving Forward

If your business is chugging along but you are not seeing any growth, something isn’t right. Perhaps you and your team are too busy dealing with routine tasks to come up with new ideas or push for growth. A new hire can either be the one to start innovating or support your team in their routine tasks so they can focus on growth.

Virtual Assistant Or Employee?

So you have realised you need help. Now you need to figure out if you should hire an in-house employee or a virtual assistant.

Ask yourself some key questions:

  • What is your budget?
  • What tasks do you most need help with?
  • How much time will these jobs take?

The answers will help inform your decision. Employees and virtual assistants are both useful in different circumstances and each with their own strengths.

So how do you choose?

There may be times when you have the capacity and need to hire an in-house employee. This is if you have regular ongoing tasks that are guaranteed to take place every month. There is nothing worse than investing in an employee and finding that you don’t have the work to keep them busy all year long, yet you still need to pay them.

So, if you simply have a small selection of tasks each month, need assistance to get you through a busy period, help with a one time project, or offer require a specific skillset, a VA is the better choice.

VAs are more cost-effective than in-house employees.

Firstly, you don’t have any hidden costs like sick days and holidays. You only pay for the hours worked, and it’s a very task-oriented arrangement. There’s no investment on your part regarding workspace or equipment, and you can be flexible with the hours according to your needs.

“Business owners need to work on their business, not in it.”

We aren’t sure who first said that, but we do know they are one smart cookie. Hiring a VA is a cost-effective way to grow your business without overworking yourself and your team. Not only will you gain a valuable remote team member, but you will also gain a little bit of breathing space to dedicate to nurturing your growing business.

Get in touch with us here at Admin Army if you are not making the most of your time currently, and we can help turn that around for you.


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