
How To Find The Expertise And Business Support You Need

Aug 14, 2023

Need some help in your business?

That’s great news. It means you have officially graduated from being a single-person operation. This time will come for every business, no matter how small it began.

And because you are on this great growth trajectory, you want to make sure you source the right level of expertise and business support.

So, where do you find these experts?

Well, let’s explore some of the places you can look to find the expertise and business support you need.


How To Find The Expertise And Business Support You Need

Establish The Business Support You Need

Before you go scouring the internet for the perfect source of help, you need to first establish what business support you need. Some jobs will be easy to pinpoint, such as an Accountant for help with your tax return or a Lawyer for help with a contract dispute.

Other tasks might not be so immediately clear for the kind of expertise you will need. So, make a list of all the areas of your business that you feel you need support in. Then, break those areas down into specific tasks. By having specific tasks listed, it will become clear what kind of expertise you need to engage.

More often than not, a bookkeeper or a virtual assistant will be able to take a big chunk of the tasks you listed off your hands. Versatile and skilled in finance and admin these two roles are super handy to have access to in your business. You will probably find that one or the other (or maybe even both) are the expertise you should be engaging!


Where To Find The Right Help

Now that you know what kind of business support you need, it’s time to get hunting for the perfect fit. You don’t just want to take the first option that pops up on Google (unless it’s a company that goes by the name of Admin Army of course!). Rather, you need to take the time to research the options available and find an expert that you know is going to do a good job.

Here are some steps you can take to find the right business support:


Ask for recommendations

A great way that you can find trusted expertise is to ask fellow business owners if they have any recommendations of who you can use. If they have already worked with someone that has done a great job, then you can trust they will do a great job for you too!

Just remember to be specific about the kind of expertise you need when asking for recommendations so that people can refer the right solution to you.


Online business groups

There are a huge number of online business groups that you can join. Some are connected to social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, some are local initiatives seeking to bring local businesses together and some are more formalised networking platforms.

Any of these groups can be a great place to find the business support you need. You may engage the person you need directly, locate them in a group directory, or receive a recommendation from another group member.

The cool thing about these business groups is that they aren’t just a place to find people to work with. They are also a fantastic place to gather knowledge and simply hang out in the same online space as business owners in the same position as you.


Professional associations

Depending on what kind of business support you need, there may be a national association attached to the profession. For example, NZ bookkeepers can join the ICNZB (Institute of Certified NZ Bookkeepers) which has a huge directory that people can search through to find the perfect bookkeeper for their business.

Many professional associations (ICNZB included) require members to prove their expertise before allowing them to join, so they can be a credible place to find the help your business needs.


Social media

As a business owner, you will understand the importance of using social media to promote your own business and educate your audience about the products and services you provide. So, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and even TikTok can be a great place to research for service providers.

Take some time to browse the pages of business support providers who might be able to help you. By reading their content, you will get an idea of the kind of support they provide and the problems they are able to solve for their clients. You can also read reviews or comments from their past and current clients on their pages too.


Ask Google

While you don’t want to blindly take the very first result that Google puts in front of you, you can use this massive search engine to do some research for you. Start typing in key terms that relate to the kind of support you are looking for and take note of the businesses that pop up in the search results.

Google is trained to try and give the very best options for the search terms you type in. So, the businesses that appear will have either done work on their website to ensure Google promotes them for certain services or many other people have been on their website looking for the same help.

Either way, Google may just produce some viable business support options that you can research further.


Look right here!

In all seriousness, it would be remiss of us if we didn’t tell you to look right here on the Admin Army website! We are a team of skilled Virtual Assistants and Bookkeepers who wage war on the admin and financial tasks that you don’t have the time (or the inclination) to do in your business.

Here’s a list of just some of the areas we can help you with:

If you have a list of jobs that need completing, we’d love to help you tick them off your To-Do list. So, why not jump on a call with one of our team to see how we can provide you with the business support you need? Here’s the link to book a convenient time to speak.


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