How A VA Can Manage Your Business Blog

Sep 8, 2020

Having a blog for your business is one of the best ways to engage your customers, build your authority, and shoot to the top of Google’s search results.

But you only get out of it what you put in, and not many business owners have the time to dedicate to creating or maintaining a business blog.

So, what can you do about it?

Delegating blog-related tasks to a VA is an excellent way to reap the benefits of a business blog without tearing your focus away from where it needs to be.

Here’s how a VA can help manage your blog.

How A VA Can Manage Your Business Blog

Content Creation

As the expert in your industry, you should have some say in the creation of relevant quality content, but a virtual assistant can take on as much responsibility as needed.

They can help research blog ideas by assessing what your competitors are writing about, using questions that might be coming in from customers and clients, and hitting up Google. They can then compile that info into a handy little document for you to use as a resource when writing your blog content.

A VA can do any time-consuming research, plus they often have people on their team that can either write a draft post or pen the entire thing if you need.


SEO (search engine optimisation) shouldn’t be an afterthought in producing a blog. The topics and titles of your posts should be relevant and interesting to your audience and reasonably easy to rank highly for in Google.

Not only that, but secondary keywords should appear in the title, subheadings, and text of your blog to ensure people can find it online. Keyword research is niggly and time-consuming, but an experienced VA will be able to optimise your posts quickly and efficiently.

The Technical Stuff

There’s a bit more to blogging than writing great content and hitting publish. Your blog needs to be user friendly and attractive, too! Non-copyright photos must be selected and uploaded in the right format and size, the font and colours should be in line with branding, and everything needs to be mobile and tablet friendly!

A VA who knows their way around a blogging platform like WordPress can ensure everything is formatted and working correctly, and deal with any technical issues that may crop up.

Outreach And Engagement

The work isn’t over once a blog is published! No one will know the blog is there unless you let them know about it.

It’s essential to promote the blog widely using social media, email lists, and by sharing with relevant people in the industry. Quickly responding to any comments or feedback on the post is also a crucial part of customer engagement. A VA can manage all these tasks on your behalf.

Link Building And Guest Posting

If you really want to build your brand and draw more people to your website, you will need to level up your blogging by building internal and external links, plus writing guest posts for other industry-relevant websites.

A VA can help research appropriate guest post opportunities and create a valid link-building strategy.

As you can see, there’s a lot more to blogging than meets the eye. If you decide to do it, you must do it consistently and stay organised. A VA can help every step of the way, from creating a content calendar and marketing blog posts to optimising the website and interacting with readers on behalf of your business.

If you need some help managing your business blog, then get in touch with the team here at Admin Army. We keep you on track with a consistent blogging schedule. Drop us a line today.

Do you need some help managing your business blog?




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