6 Tips For Getting Your Business Systems In Order

Jun 9, 2019

So, you are ready to get your systems sorted and your business running smoothly?

Excellent news! Great systems are the key to productivity.

However, we hate to break it to you, but in order to be organised, you have to do a whole lot of organising! A business that runs efficiently and smoothly is a beautiful thing, but it doesn’t happen on its own.

The good news is that once you have done the groundwork and got your systems in order, they do almost manage themselves, with very little maintenance.

What are these systems we keep referring to?

Well, everything in your business runs on systems, either manual systems you have developed yourself or beautifully automated systems. These can include how you connect with customers, how you create invoices, or how you pay your staff.

Efficient systems help you “work smarter not harder,” freeing up precious time for you and your team.

So, how to get everything sorted and those systems flowing beautifully? Read on for our top tips to get you started.

Top Tips For Getting Your Business Systems In Order

1. Make A List (Or Ten)

Knowing where to start can be the hardest part. Sit down and list as many things that you have developed a system for as you can think of. Write down recurring tasks, things that take up a lot of time, jobs that you hate or find frustrating, and tasks that are outside the expertise of your team.

Once you have everything down on the page in front of you, it is easy to see where you can save time and how you can streamline the things in your business a little better.

2. Focus On One System At A Time

To avoid confusing and overwhelming yourself (and everyone else) pick one process to focus on streamlining at a time. Perhaps you even have some areas you already know could use improvement right off the bat.

If not, take a look at the list you just made and prioritise the tasks that will have the most impact on your business. What will free up your time or prevent you from wasting it? Here is a great hint, anything to do with your finances can make a big impact on your cash flow and profitability. So, those tasks should be a high priority.

3. Embrace Technology

These days, there aren’t many problems that can’t be solved with the right kind of digital solution. Things we couldn’t even conceive of five or ten years are now commonplace. From online team communication platforms and accounting software to email management and social media planning – there are ways to automate almost any task.

While automation can take some time to set up, you will definitely reap the benefits in the long term. Those few hours you spend getting them in place can save you weeks in the long run. If you have the menial and repetitive tasks automated, it will free up your time to focus on the aspects of your business that really matter.

4. Get Advice

This fact is simple. We don’t know what we don’t know.

While Google can point us in the right direction, it can be helpful to ask other business owners what they have used to upgrade their systems. Find out what they can’t live without, and see if those processes will work for you.

You can even take it one step further and consult a systems expert (and we happen to know a thing or two about systems here at Admin Army) on how you can streamline aspects of your business. Sometimes having someone look in from the outside can be helpful. They will purely look at how you can save time and resources by implementing a certain system, and not be bogged down by the way that you do it currently. Just because you have always done it one way does not mean that is the best or most efficient way to do it!

5. Declutter

Chaos and messiness are not conducive to an orderly system. Most of us are so busy that we can’t find the time to go through and delete or sort our 5000 old emails, or clean up the files and folders on our physical and virtual desktops. All this clutter is weighing you down and could make it difficult to get those systems running efficiently.

It’s time to declutter your digital life. Set aside a few hours or half a day and just get it done. Delete, throw out, file, organise, and clean up your online and real-life spaces. The clean-out will pave the way for new ideas and growth. You will be surprised how good it makes you feel!

And if you really don’t have time to clear the clutter yourself, our last tip might be the answer to all your clutter problems…

6. Outsource

Creating efficient systems is not everyone’s speciality. So, if you are still feeling overwhelmed and have no idea how to find the time even to begin the process, make life easier for yourself by outsourcing to the experts.

Virtual assistants and bookkeepers already know the best systems and software to make your business more efficient. With a chat about your business, they will be able to provide the solutions you need. Even better, they can get them implemented in your business, saving you precious time and resources.

If you are ready to get your clutter cleared and your systems in order, then reach out to us here at Admin Army. We are experts in all things administration and bookkeeping. We can help you select the best business systems to maximise productivity and generate results. Get in touch with the team today so that we can wage a war on your business systems!

Struggling to figure out where to start with your business systems? Our ‘what tasks should you delegate’ worksheet will give you a great indication of where you should start. After all, solid systems make delegation 100 times easier!

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