
Debunking your Biggest Fears about Virtual Assistants

Apr 26, 2023

Is something holding you back from hiring a virtual assistant?

We get it.

It can be scary to invite someone you don’t know that well into your business and let them see the inner workings of your think tank.

So, today we are debunking some of the biggest fears that our clients have had about working with a VA. That way, you can feel more comfortable about the decision to invite a VA into your business.

Who knows, that one decision could be the thing that allows you to take your business to the next level! Let’s get started.

Debunking Your Biggest Fears about Virtual Assistants

Fear #1: It costs too much money

Many people are worried about the cost of working with a VA. But, if you take the time to analyse things, it might cost you more to do everything yourself! Indeed, you don’t necessarily have to pay yourself to do the admin tasks a VA can take off your hands. But you could be using your time more wisely.

Consider the fact that admin work is not a revenue-generating task. You are probably wasting valuable billable hours doing the work that a VA could do faster and more efficiently. Think how much more money you could bring into your business if you focused solely on sales during the time it takes you to do your admin.

You’ll soon see that paying a VA to do those tasks will save you money in the long run.

Fear #2: My data and IP will be vulnerable

One of the most common fears we hear from our clients is that they are worried about sensitive information being leaked or hacked. In reality, that is very unlikely to happen.

Every good VA takes security and privacy very seriously. We sure do here at Admin Army. Protecting your personal information and data is vitally important to us. This is why we take precautions like password managers, cloud-based storage with restricted access, the best antivirus software, and strict privacy policies.

Your data is safe with us.

Fear #3: I won’t get the results I was hoping for

Most failed business relationships are caused by poor communication. This is very true when it comes to working with a VA. Often, poor results happen because there has been a miscommunication about the work required.

To avoid this, you must be clear about what you want. If you can’t provide a clear and concise brief to your VA, then you can’t possibly hope to get the results you desire. Your VA is not a mindreader after all!

You also need to settle on a communication channel that suits you both so that the right information is conveyed and expectations can be set for both sides. That channel could be email, Slack chat, video call, phone, or in person – ensure it is a method you are both comfortable using.

Fear #4: My business won’t be able to run without a VA

Will you end up relying too heavily on a VA? That’s what some of our clients have feared in the past. The thing is, you will enjoy the benefits of having a virtual assistant in your business. And, you will get used to having their efficiency and productivity around.

So, it is essential to choose a virtual assistant with depth. What we mean by that is selecting a VA business that can cover your workload, even if your VA is out sick or on holiday. That way, you won’t ever be left without someone to handle your tasks.

Choosing a VA agency like Admin Army will ensure you always have an expert team on hand.

Fear #5: The standard of work won’t be high enough

You may be worried about the quality of work that a VA might produce. But you shouldn’t be! Skilled VAs are very good at what they do. You might even call them experts! There shouldn’t be any concerns about the quality of their work.

To ensure you get the high-quality results you need, research the areas your VA specialises in so that their skills match your needs. Also, don’t forget to check out the reviews that past clients have left your prospective VA to see how they have enjoyed working with them.

Fear #6: I won’t have visibility of what my VA is doing

One of the massive benefits of a VA is that they are location independent – meaning, you don’t have to provide them with a workstation in your workspace. But, some clients might fear this as a drawback as they won’t have the same visibility as a colleague sitting next to them.

Remote working is beneficial as you can pick the best VA for the job, regardless of where they are. They also provide all their equipment, so it saves your business the cost of buying a laptop and all the things that come with a new employee.

You won’t lose visibility of the work being completed either. The right VA will keep you up to date on their progress and can let you know what they are working on and when they are doing it. There are plenty of tools that make information sharing possible so you can always keep on top of what’s happening.

Fear #7: I’ll lose control of my work

Between the thoughts of communication barriers, technological difficulties, and a VA working remotely, some clients fear they will lose control of their work.

This is simply not the case. While a VA is not sitting at the desk next to you and may not do things exactly the same way you do, they will work with integrity and efficiency. You may even find that their technical skill allows them to complete the job better or quicker than you may have been able to!

A virtual assistant becomes part of your team, they are 100% working towards the same business goals as you are. There should be no fear of losing control as all IP remains yours along with ownership of the work produced by your VA.

Find the Right VA for your Business

Many of the fears you are feeling will be immediately resolved when you find the right VA. Creating trust is a vital part of the client/virtual assistant relationship, and that trust will be easy to build with the correct VA.

It’s all about finding someone that has the skillset you need and that you have the right vibe with. Here at Admin Army, we have an amazing team of VAs with a wide variety of skills.

Why not book a call with our team today to see if we have the perfect VA for your business? Here’s the link to book a convenient time, we’d love to hear from you.




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